Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Identity and Belonging – Change Can Be Easy or Hard – Reference to Summer of the Seventeenth Doll

Throughout your life the process of ageing is constantly influencing your identity. As William Shakespeare wrote â€Å"All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts,†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Our identity is forever changing and this is because we are forever ageing. Throughout out the three main stages of ageing – youth, middle age, elderly- we don’t just age physically, we age physiologically as well. Hence as we age we mature, become wiser and more aware of the world around us. As of this our views change from each stage of life, thus inflicting our identity to change. Although some people find this transition from one stage of life to the next to be difficult and dread upon its occurrences whereas others enjoy ageing and just take it as it comes. As a baby we have our identity created for us, they say â€Å"give me the boy at seven and I will give you the man† implying that until the age of seven a child is dependent on their very first social unit, that is family. It is the multiplicity and complexity of family that gives children real life experiences into human relationships and what teaches them morals and values which will always be a part of their identity, although as you age, and mature you become less dependent on your family and are able to venture out into the world. This usually happens around the age of adolescence. This is a time when adolescences have the world at their feet and they are â€Å"servants to their own dreams†. Many people enjoy this part of growing up as their bodies are at the peak, meaning they are able to push them to do whatever they want. They are less susceptible to illnesses and less likely to damage themselves; when they do the body’s ability to repair at that age is remarkable. Not only are they at the physically peak of their lives, they are usually at the social peak. Their social networks at this age are usually highly complex and turning 18 opens the doors to a once prohibited world full of new adventures and experiences, such as going clubbing, driving and being classed as an adult. However many adolescence’ find it hard to transition to adulthood as they no longer have the burdens of high school pressures and friends. This also creates problems for people who only have social networks that they have from school meaning when school is over they need to adapt to a new environment and become independent. This can be emotional and daunting for many youth. Middle age is a crisis for many people both men and women. It is a time when they have left the excitement and potential of their youth, instead they reflect back on where they have come from and often look with dread towards their older years, in Ray Lawyers Summer Of The Seventeenth Doll this period of time effects many characters negatively as they cannot accept they are aging and thus see change as a daunting factor. Roo, the ganger of a team of cane cutters, realises he is ageing when his back gives way and he is forced to step down as top dog. Since he was young he had been a cane cutter, that was his identity but because of his ageing body, his identity will change as he can no longer be a cane cutter, this not only affects Roo but also Olive. Olive has been in the group since it started seventeen summers ago and is reflecting on her life so far, remembering the times when Roo and Barney would come down South to see her and Nancy during the layoff. However since Nancy has left the group to go get married, Olive realises that she is turning 40 soon and is still clinging to her glory days. In order to keep her â€Å"youth† she has decorated the lounge room with the keepsake dolls to testify her persistence on keeping the group together and displaying her symbols of youth. With Olives obsession of keeping the group together revels a woman who cannot accept that she is getting older and who can adjust to the new era in her identity. For olive, the change of getting older is not physically but more physiological as she sees this change as losing her youth. Although middle age is not always negative for everyone. Although Nancy is the catalyst for the group’s breakdown, she realises that she can no longer act like a youth, as she did with Olive and the group and as such has accepted the fact that she is getting older, hence why she abandoned her friends to settle down and get married to start the next chapter in her life. Although many people believe it’s the best years of life as it is the only â€Å"time you really live as the young are slaves to dreams; the old are servants of regrets. Only the middle aged have all their 5 senses in the keeping of their wits. † The last period of life that has been categorised as â€Å"old age† and is now considered to be after 65. Some people choose to accept old age as a positive as they have lived their lives and are now in retirement. Many elderly people see being able to retire as being able to act like they are young again as they have completed the majority of lives responsibilities, such as rearing children and working for a living, this gives many the opportunity to travel and do what they desire but at a cost. Having lived for such a long time has taken a physical toll on the body, it is weaker and more frail then that of a youthful person, hence why some older people see old age as a negative. They feel as though they are stuck inside an â€Å"old carcass† and believe that â€Å"nature is cruel; tis jest to make old age look like a fool; (because) the body crumbles, grace and vigour depart† No matter what age you are there will always be a positive and a negative but regardless of this, age will always influence your identity as it changes your thoughts as you become wiser and more knowledgeable about the world around you. Throughout each age group you will have new realisations about the environment you live in and this will cause a physiological or physiological a change which influences your identity.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Academic Writing Essay

My interest in International Relations and my decision to continue my education in this field is the outcome of my profound interest in Asian studies. Majoring in History of India, during my final year I became especially interested in the sphere of International Relations and Foreign Policy of India, writing my thesis on Indian Foreign Policy during Nehru’s Government and Indian-Chinese relations. Two trips to India 1997 and 1998 allowed me to become better acquainted with this country, refine my knowledge of Hindi and collect unique data for my research. This unforgettable experience convinced me that I had made the right choice of study, leading me to apply for a PhD Degree so as to extend my research in this field. I have so far completed two years of the PhD program at St. Petersburg State University. My dissertation aims at disclosing those problems which still hinder the process of normalization between the two Asian countries, India and China, reflecting on how Indian scholars perceive these issues. See more: Satirical elements in the adventure of Huckleberry Finn essay Thus my research covers both Regional Studies and field of International Relations as a global world system where these two countries play an important role. My presentation of a paper on Indo-Chinese Relations in 1980s at the international conference â€Å"East Asia – St. Petersburg – Europe: inter-civilization contacts and perspectives on economic cooperation† held in St. Petersburg a year ago gave me the opportunity to meet many outstanding researchers, including my referee, Marcia Ristaino, who encouraged me to continue my studies focusing specifically on International Relations and Regional Studies. For that reason I applied and was accepted to the MA Program in International Relations and European Studies at Central European University in Budapest with a scholarship from Soros foundation. The courses I am taking here will provide me with a sound background in theoretical issues in International Relations. The reason of why I am applying for another Master’s Degree is that the CEU program, despite its theoretical strength, has very few courses directly related to my major interest, Regional Studies and conflict resolution and peacekeeping. For this reason I would like to deepen my practical understanding of International Relations and relate it to a more focused concentration on conflict analysis and resolution through the program of the Carleton University. I am aware of the high reputation of your school and the excellent Master’s program that you offer at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs. I believe it will certainly help me with my research and career objectives either through work in diplomatic service or at an international organization where I will be able to apply my knowledge and skills obtained through studies at your University. Courses such as Conflict Analysis, International Mediation and Conflict Resolution and International Organizations in International Affairs will be very helpful for my analyzing of the problems in the South Asian subcontinent and beyond it and will allow me to deeper understand the reasons for numerous interstate and intrastate conflicts that persist in the region. Moreover these courses will be of particular relevance to my career plans which are to find employment with UN or a similar institution in the field of conflict resolution and peacekeeping. The possibility to combine theoretical studies with practical skills in conflict analysis and resolution at the Carleton University will enable me to become a good specialist who will be able to contribute to the common cause of peace in the world. I am eager to become a professional orientalist, as I believe this field of study will always be important in the changing world where Asian countries such as India and China play significant roles in the international arena. MA at the Carleton University would be a precious experience both in terms of my academic and professional career. I hope you will give me the opportunity to realize my ambition. (A CEU Student – reproduced here with kind permission) Sample #2 Having majored in literary studies (world literature) as an undergraduate, I would now like to concentrate on English and American literature. I am especially interested in nineteenth-century literature, women’s literature, Anglo-Saxon poetry, and folklore and folk literature. My personal literary projects have involved some combination of these subjects. For the oral section of my comprehensive exams, I specialized in nineteenth century novels by and about women. The relation ship between â€Å"high† and folk literature became the subject for my honors essay, which examined Toni Morrison’s use of classical, biblical, African, and Afro-American folk tradition in her novel. I plan to work further on this essay, treating Morrison’s other novels and perhaps preparing a paper suitable for publication. In my studies toward a doctoral degree, I hope to examine more closely the relationship between high and folk literature. My junior year and private studies of Anglo-Saxon language and literature have caused me to consider the question of where the divisions between folklore, folk literature, and high literature lie. Should I attend your school, I would like to resume my studies of Anglo-Saxon poetry, with special attention to its folk elements. Writing poetry also figures prominently in my academic and professional goals. I have just begun submitting to the smaller journals with some success and am gradually building a working manuscript for a collection. The dominant theme of this collection relies on poems that draw from classical, biblical, and folk traditions, as well as everyday experience, in order to celebrate the process of giving and taking life, whether literal or figurative. My poetry draws from and influences my academic studies. Much of what I read and study finds a place in my creative work as subject. At the same time, I study the art of literature by taking part in the creative process, experimenting with the tools used by other authors in the past. In terms of a career, I see myself teaching literature, writing criticism, and going into editing or publishing poetry. Doctoral studies would be valuable to me in several ways. First, your teaching assistantship program would provide me with the practical teaching experience I am eager to acquire. Further, earning a Ph. D. in English and American literature would advance my other two career goals by adding to my skills, both critical and creative, in working with language. Ultimately, however, I see the Ph. D. as an end in itself, as well as a professional stepping-stone; I enjoy studying literature for its own sake and would like to continue my studies on the level demanded by the Ph. D. program. The following is a shortened sample SOP (with technical details removed. ) Expert comments at the end of the paragraphs point out important features. After one year’s work experience as a research technician at [redacted], one of the US’s leading research institutes, I want to return to academic study and undertake graduate studies in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics at the University of [redacted]. Stating what you are doing now and what you are applying for is a simple, direct way of starting an SOP. After graduating with a first class degree from [redacted], University of [redacted], I felt I should gain some practical experience working in a research environment to gain first-hand knowledge of what the life of a research scientist entails. I have loved every minute of my work: especially the opportunity to participate in cutting-edge projects and discuss ideas with senior biologists. I soon realized that, although I enjoy handling the complex equipment and processing the results, I am not going to be satisfied with carrying out routine procedures under the direction of others. I want to be part of the team that directs the course of the project. My senior colleagues have encouraged my ambition and feel that I have the potential for graduate studies. Notice how the student tries to analyze the reasons for her choices. My love of biology started in high school. We had a young and enthusiastic teacher, Mrs [redacted], who took us on field trips and visits. She made sure we did as much practical work as was feasible, and demonstrated experiments that we hadn’t the equipment or time to do ourselves. She also encouraged us to read. I remember the impact reading Maynard Smith’s The Theory of Evolution had on me: I wanted to be able to explain such important ideas as clearly as he did. Quite naturally my first thoughts about a future career tended towards teaching – I wanted to be another Mrs [redacted]. It is good to explain how you became interested in your subject. However, don’t go too far back! Notice that a specific example helps create interest. At undergraduate level, my interests became more focused. Although physiology and ecology came easy to me, it was biochemistry and cell biology that really captured my interest. We were fortunate to have good laboratories and excellent professors. I found that cell biology was an interdisciplinary undertaking: today you need a foundation in chemistry, physics and even IT to be at the forefront in this subject. This interdisciplinary aspect of the subject suits my abilities well. I have always performed well in all science subjects and find it challenging to apply the knowledge to practical problems. For this reason I chose to undertake a project in my final year on the behavior of protein molecules in high energy fields at [redacted]. The scientists at [redacted] were impressed with my practical skills and were happy to give me a recommendation that led to my present job. Details of courses and projects help to show focus. (This student went on to describe another important college project. She also gave a full description of her current scientific work. ) Many people have asked me why I did not proceed directly to graduate studies after graduating. The answer is that I wanted to make sure that I had chosen the right subject and the right place before embarking on a course of study that would involve many years of my life. The one-year gap has also given me time to work with the local Natural History Society: we take families on Sunday trips to the nearby National Park to help create awareness about environmental issues. I have also been a member and organizer of the [redacted] Film Society: we watch and discuss films from all over the world. I am looking forward to furthering my interest in film in the [redacted] Film club, at your university, and I also hope to use my passion for teaching in the [redacted] Social Outreach program. Explain the reasons for any unusual features of your career (taking a year out, poor performance, etc.). Include social and extracurricular activities to show balance in your life or because they are relevant to the course. In selecting the University of [redacted] I have been influenced by the way your research program addresses biological questions at the levels of molecule, gene and cell. I am particularly looking forward to such courses as Developmental Biology and Bioinformatics. I am also excited to interact with Professors [redacted] and [redacted] whose work is closest to what I want to pursue for the original research component of the MS degree. I have been corresponding with [redacted], a current student, from whom I have learned about the collaborative environment at [redacted] where I will interact with talented students, teachers and industry professionals. I believe that I will be able to contribute to and learn from the academically challenging environment at the University of [redacted]. Statement of Purpose(SOP) Name: ***** Major: Master of Science in Computer Science(MS in Computer Science) â€Å"Time and tide wait for no man†, this we all know. Having done an inspiring four-year course in Computer Science Engineering. I would like to put to use this knowledge to do my PhD in Computer Science. This would give me the leading edge in technology and the practical low-down and the information I require. For the past few decades man is advancing in to the unknown realms of science and technology. This advancement is to make life easy and to increase human comfort at home and at work and I would like to be an integral part of such betterment. For this, research would be of prime importance with hands on experience in real time Applications accompanied by in-depth knowledge of the subject. Technology,today,means power in the widest sense of tem and merely the power of mind. And it is this power potential that has given it the status it now enjoys. Right from my childhood I had a strong inclination to be a Compute Science Engineer. My interest in the subject has grown with each passing year and it has reached where even PhD will not quench my thirst for knowledge. I have come to terms with the fact that there is an enormous proportion of subject to be assimilated. I want to take up a research oriented course for my career. A natural aptitude for mathematics, a sense of logic, analytical ability, capacity for diligent work and high academic credentials secured me a place in Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women. The four years curriculum exposed me to the entire gamut of computer courses thus laying a strong foundation for both my Hardware and Software fundamentals. My main areas of interest were Computer Graphics and Multimedia. I enjoyed the course in Networks and Operating Systems. My interest in Graphics and Database led me to prepare eye-catching illustrations to explain the electronic models. I have developed many Software programs in C, Unix , Java. My final year project was Enterprise Resources Planning Procurement Process System, under CMC Limited, A TATA Enterprise. The project was completed in a period of 3 months using Java, J2EE as front End and Oracle as the back End. The field of application of technology is what interests me the most. I want to acquire the learning that will enable me to contribute to the development pf a new software, which can improve efficiency and accuracy of work in varied sphere. Digital Processing is already transforming the world of Communications. My ambition is to work at the forefront of the technology with the ability to find innovative solutions to the changing needs. You might ask as to why a degree from United States of America only. Since 1994 computers have been out performing automobiles in terms of units sold annually in the U. S. A. All in all computers contributed nearly 10% of United States of America GDP. The United Sates of America is way ahead of any other nation in computer technology, manufacture and sales and would thus provide me the best infrastructure and know-how currently available. Besides, it is a country where Science and Technology is a way to achieve social progress and where improving human life’s very important. All these factors coupled together make the United States of America an ideal place to pursue my further studies. The distinguished faculty and excellent facilities at your university make its graduation program ideally suited to my professional goals. Your University provides me a dynamic atmosphere, which will shape me to be a thinker and a learner. The flexibility of the curriculum will give me the broad-based education I need to widen the scope of my knowledge and skills. The diversity of the student’s body will open my mind to new influences, new ideas and new ways of doing things. The world is literally becoming a global village where opportunities for work are transcending physical space. With the Cyberspace connections, Indian knowledge workers are increasingly contributing to the global work force. The international education will give me the training and the caliber to meet the global clients. I look forward to being an active contributing member of the student community at your University. Continuous progress is the key to life. And for progress, knowledge and proper guidance are essentials. I am sure, the quality knowledge and impeccable guidance will mould me to be in the learning mode all my life opening the way for constant growth as a person and a professional STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Respected Graduate Admission Committee: My name is **** . I pursued my undergraduate studies in Computer Science and Engineering at MVSR Engineering College, Osmania University, India. I am planning to pursue my higher education and I really hope to get enrolled into the Masters program, for the term starting Spring ’08, at University of North Carolina at Charlotte. In the following paragraphs I have summarized my educational background, motivation for graduate study and my areas of interest. Starting off with my academic’s, I completed my schooling in ****, Warangal, India. My school helped me develop better in the field of science, right from the initial stages, with different techno fests, science expos and I have secured 74% marks in 10’Th standard though I secured 86% in mathematics. Then I said to myself that I am a far better performing student than these marks suggest. Hence to prove my capability to myself I worked hard with sincerity and devotion and obtained valuable marks of 83% in my Board of Intermediate at Sri Chaitanya Junior College, Hyderabad, India. At very young age as a student in high school, computer for me was only a means of entrainment as I found it exciting to play games and generating various mathematical series and patterns thorough BASIC programming. I was dumbfounded to know that games are nothing but programs. Curious to know how to program I developed a serious interest in Computers. This keen interest in mathematics along with a strong liking for computers, and particularly programming, prompted me to choose engineering with Computer Science as my major. This decision gave me ample opportunity to consolidate my creative energies and harness my technical aptitude. Early in my undergraduate study I was introduced to basic programming languages of C, C++ and Java. I understood the key features of each language and realized that one was an improvement of the other. Java being the most powerful and robust language of all fascinated me the most. My first computer science project was â€Å"Core Banking†, which performs the operations of creating an account, assigning an account number and handling transactions involving deposits and withdrawals. This program was initially written in C++ following the concepts of object-oriented programming. Later I modified the same program with some improvements like adding a GUI interface using Java. During the second year of my undergraduate studies, I had an opportunity to visit an IT company of my father’s friend. It was here that I actually saw hundreds of computers connected to each other and performing several different operations. I had many questions on my mind – â€Å"How are computers connected and if connected, how can they be managed? † Curious to know the answers and following the advice of my uncle, I read some books on Windows Networking. I was fascinated by the concepts of Domain, Active Directory, Group Policy and DNS. In the third year of my engineering studies, I was introduced to the subject of Computer Networks. Already having a sound knowledge in practical computer networking, I was at ease with this subject. During this course, I learnt the software side of networking i. e.  how to actually implement and develop different servers. The sessions in the labs were devoted in developing programs like implementation of connection-oriented and connectionless Echo Servers, concurrent multithreaded File Transfer Server and Chat Server. Currently in my fourth year, area of Distributed Systems and especially Peer-to-Peer Systems are of great interest to me. I undertook a project in Galaxie Software Solutions as an intern to design and develop a E-Care system, is an Help Desk System which can overcome some of the disadvantages of the existing software. My work in Galaxie Software Solutions gave me solid practical knowledge of many technologies and concepts such as Java, Oracle, XML, Object-Oriented Design and Programming.. I have also presented a paper entitled â€Å"Cryptography† at Parikaran 2K7 – a National level technical fest. My predominant research interests have evolved into three categories that I believe are interconnected. The three areas of interest are Computer networks, Distributed systems and Information Security. I would be very eager to work in any of these areas or interrelated areas like Networking or Distributed Systems along with Information Security. I worked as a teaching assistant for juniors in C, C++ and Oracle programming. The teaching experience has helped me to communicate articulately and interact effectively with diversity of peers. During the last two years, besides the college academics I spent most of my time attending a number of extra-curricular workshops, seminars and conferences in different fields of computer science. I look forward to a career in research where I cannot only use my academic background to achieve my research goals but also make original contributions to my field of interest. I believe that graduate studies would provide me with the opportunities to attend advanced courses and would be the stepping-stone to my career in research. University of North Carolina at Charlotte suits my research interests because of its advanced academic curriculum and world-class research groups. I believe that it is the best environment for me to achieve my goals while gaining experience and exposure to a diverse student body and faculty. I believe that no other school provides students with the combination of culture, education and research environment, required for an overall personality development, as offered by your institution. Summarizing all written above, I believe that my serious intention for study, my projects, my certifications and strong academic background in various areas of Computer Science will be beneficial for my graduate studies and research. Attending your prestigious institution would give me an opportunity to receive high-level education under the guidance of prominent professors and excellent teachers. I would regard my admission to University of North Carolina at Charlotte not only as a great honor but also as a great responsibility and challenge to prove myself. Thank you for your time and consideration. High Regards, {NAME}. While reasoning my intentions to pursue MS in Computer Science at Oklahoma State University I would like to throw some light on my career till now, I always fancied myself with Computers right from my childhood and thought of becoming a Software Engineer got implanted in my mind at an early age. A career in Engineering seemed the most challenging and logical extension of my abilities. I was given training in the basics of the operation and the applications of the computers during my school days. From that day onwards until the 10th standard I was constantly being taught different concepts of computer in different levels. The various concepts that I am thorough with, in school, are Word, QBasic and C Fundamentals. Science has been my favorable subject right from my school days and has always been one among the toppers of my class. I have even represented my school in many competitions. I have been the member of the quiz team of our school that has won many competitions. After my higher secondary I was determined to secure for myself a position in the Information Technology field, which deals with the areas of Computers, Communications and Networks. To accomplish this I had to qualify in the EAMCET Entrance Exam for Andhra Pradesh, India. I secured a good rank in the examination and secured a seat in Computer Science Engineering in V. R. Siddhartha Engineering College, Affiliated to Nagarjuna University. At VRSEC I had the good fortune of having a well-compiled syllabus, which placed equal emphasis on theoretical fundamentals as well as practical applications. Subjects such as Computer organization, Digital Logic Design, Microprocessor Applications laid a solid foundation in the theoretical aspects of the subjects. Practical application aspects were introduced to me through subjects such as Object Oriented Programming concepts, Data Structures, Relational Database Management Systems, Internet technologies. The areas, which are of special interest to me centered on Computer communications, Software Engineering, E-Commerce applications. I am interested in learning more about encryption and artificial intelligence. My interest in Networks began when I read about the various application fields it could be used, in the Information Technology magazine. I am a regular reader of magazines such as IEEE-spectrum, potentials, chip, computer networks, and computer today, which enabled me to be in touch with the latest developments in information technology. At VRSEC I had the opportunity to interact with some of the best professors in our region. I had the opportunity to do alive project in BPL Mobile Ltd. Coimbattore and project title is Mobile High Usage Roaming Alert and the project is being implemented by the company people right now and the project is done in VB and Oracle. The next step in my career towards achieving my career goal is to pursue my Masters Program in Computer Science. I have done considerable research in this area to pursue my Higher education in a reputed University and with a good course curriculum. I found about the education in USA and its recognition. I have therefore applied to the OSU in USA. Also with some advice from my college senior who are in various colleges in USA I have opted for this College. The course MS in Computer Science. The course has been designed to give me insight into the world of academic and industrial computing research. By focusing on several currently active areas it affords me the opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of the topics of the course and in doing so, to develop the skills necessary to carry out innovative work with in the discipline of computing. I strongly believe that a software engineer should be instinctive, innovative, quick to adapt and adopt new technologies, which is only possible with solid foundation and profundity in his subjects. This entails and insightful and thorough understanding of the intricacies of the subject. That’s the reason why I am inclined towards MS in Computer Science. I am sure that with my interaction with the faculty and peers at your college will provide an ambience conducive for my transition from an undergraduate to a graduate. It is my strong belief that graduation from this institution will take me close to achieving my ultimate goal of becoming an efficient software engineer. While my sights are firmly set on graduation, it is my strong desire to pursue research program following my graduation. Computing Science plays an ever-increasing role in today’s society. Technological innovation has been one of the driving forces behind India’s rapid growth. It is therefore essential that every opportunity be afforded to talented Indian graduates to extend their education and skills in order to play an active role in managing the opportunities presented in the future. India is fast gaining a reputation for its computer industry and at the moment it is regarded as the centre for Software and as a result many of the top notch Multinational Corporations are establishing their contact centers in India. As a result an International Degree is focused to meet employment  opportunities with in the computing industry in India. Possible career opportunities for me in India include research and development roles in the development of new technologies such as software engineering, technical applications developers and consultants, network managers and other leading roles in computing industry. A fascination for Science & Technology and keen interest in the ever-growing world of technology motivated me to take up engineering. I choose to major in Electrical& Electronic Engineering with an intense urge to delve into the challenging field. During my under graduation program I learned the various fundamentals of Electrical& Electronics Engineering which together with practical course work reinforce interest. Right from my school, I had a penchant towards Mathematics, Science and research in general. This basic interest led me to take up Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as my major subjects in high school. As a part of my Physics project, I had constructed logic gates and simple latches using basic circuit elements. I was so astounded by the Power of Electrical & Electronics. This interest made me to take Electrical& Electronic Engineering. I would like to present my past performance as my credentials for my success in my future endeavors. My innate strength has been my quantitative and analytical abilities which instilled me a special interest for mathematical and physics. I had opted the same in my 10+2 with good marks. I was placed in the top 15% of one lakh who took engineering entrance examination. This performance helped me in getting admission into Sri Saradhi Institute of Engineering, Nuzvid, India. During the course of my undergraduate study I was exposed to various courses with applications like Electromagnetic field, Control systems, Power electronic, Electrical measurements, Linear Integrated Circuits, Electronics, Pulse and digital circuits, Computer methods in power system control, Digital Signal Processing, Power systems(1to 3), Electro mechanics(1 to 3) Micro processors & Micro Controllers, High voltage engineering, Modeling of power system components, Utilization of electrical energy enhanced my subject. I secured good results in my engineering. I was well versed in programming languages like C, C++ & Java. During my final year I decided to do project in Machine cutting using micro controller. From my kinder garden my medium of instruction is English. I had written GRE and got 1060 score, which adds to my English language proficiency. Excellence in any sphere of life can be achieved trough determination, hard work, preference and dedication. Yet lack of in depth knowledge of the subject leaves the conceptual skills incomplete. It in this concept that I would like to pursue a course that control system in your esteemed university. I am very much interested to do MS Computer Science in your esteemed college. I realize the need for me to study at the center stage of activity in these fields at your college in USA. My earnest desire to continue my future studies at your graduate school stems from that it is one of the top colleges in Ireland having fine record of academic excellence and is backed up by expert faculty and research facilities. The other reason why I want to study at your esteemed college is that it provides the kind of expose needed to broaden my thinking and indo any insular prejudices that might be still prevalent in me. Your college is a confluence of people from every nationality, religion and race. Overall development of the personality can be done and it helps me to broaden my concept from the narrower confines of nationalism to internationalism. I am clear as to my carrier aspiration. Educational I believe is a life long process. I there fore wish to pursue a doctoral degree after my MS and therefore combine research and teaching as carrier. I am fully aware that yours curriculum requires that I summon all my resources and I aver that I have the necessary commitment, intelligence and stamina to look forward to do it all. I am convinced that my study at your department would be meaningful and rewarding experience. I look forward to have a long and profitable association with your esteemed college. I especially thank you for giving me the opportunity given me to express about myself. Name : ******** Program Sought: MASTERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Semester Sought: Fall 2012. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE There is a very famous adage, â€Å"If you think education is expensive, and then try ignorance†. I could not agree more. I believe research is necessary to acquire data and formulate theories, but it is just as important to know how to apply those theories and use that data in the real world. To be competent and competitive I will require a master’s degree. A master’s degree will give me the up-to-date tools and knowledge that is the need of the hour. It is after a good deal of self-evaluation that I have decided to pursue graduate studies.

Monday, July 29, 2019

How have ideas about race been shaped by changing economic, social and Essay

How have ideas about race been shaped by changing economic, social and political circumstances - Essay Example Those who belong to a particular ethnic group maintain shared cultural heritages, language, social ideologies, religions, rituals and biological ancestry (Peoples and Bailey 2010). By applying a definition to ethnicity, society is able to make distinctions between different social groups. Race, however, is a construct that is absolutely considerate of anatomical attributes. Race is defined by Cornell and Hartman (2007) as the method by which groups are able to define themselves through the commonality of physical attributes that are shared biologically throughout a society or culture. Race is determined by the meaning that is placed on these shared characteristics. People who share common physical features determine which specific attributes are significant and then attempt to organise groups according to a perceived set of boundaries and then develop social ideologies that give the aforementioned boundaries or characterisation a relevant meaning which serves as the foundation for race. Hence, race is very much a social creation whilst ethnicity is more concerned with the tangible similarities of a particular group. Race serves to mould the social and political methodologies by which the world is classified and organised. The concept of race was formed in global and regional cultures as a product of various socio-political systems that recognised denial and opportunity (Dalmage 2010). Race has become substantially rooted in the structures that guide societies, a form of institutionalisation of perceived human value and relevancy constructed through centuries of changing economic, political and social circumstances. The conception of race as a social interpretation is ever-changing and the meanings and values assigned to various races evolve when it becomes advantageous to those maintaining power within a society. Those who represent dominant groups, such as the European whites in the 17th Century, often assign race to less-advantaged groups as a method

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Disaster Preparedness & Response Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Disaster Preparedness & Response - Term Paper Example These stages are effectively planned by keeping two aspects in mind, the professional and the personal activities that are involved in these four stages. In my opinion, the effect of earthquakes can be effectively minimized by using these steps. The implementation of these stages to help in earthquake destruction is mentioned below. Mitigation is the stage at which the destruction effects are tried to be completely minimized when it comes to the personal aspect. This would involve not buying property in an earthquake-prone area to minimize the disasters caused to homes. Professionally, it is the most cost-effective way to reduce the impact of hazards. Development of earthquake-proof structure in earthquake-prone areas is a kind of structural mitigation. Non-structural professional mitigation would be ensuring the property of earthquake disasters (Jane, 2007). This phase is more about planning what to do when a disaster occurs. For example, the construction of shelters to save from fl oods and hurricanes. This aspect of the emergency management phase can be implemented in the earthquake management as well by building temporary wooden one-floor shelters so that the people who are affected by the earthquake have a temporary place to live. Development of basic necessity kits can also come in a handful as in some areas, the post-earthquake situation is such that there is a huge shortage of food, water etc. The response is the help that is forwarded to the down-trodden people who have experienced the aftermath of a disaster (Damon, 2007). This help may be forwarded by an international organization, or by the people living around or the national government. On a more personal level, this can be evacuation from the earthquake hit the place and move towards a safer area in an automobile. When the immediate steps have been taken, the recovery phase starts. Recovery phase pertains to the long-term development of the area that is hit by the catastrophe (George, 2007). This involves the reconstruction of the material and property that is extensively damaged.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Corporate Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Corporate Governance - Essay Example 5,6). A Director is considered independent provided he or she is free of any business or other relationship with CCA or a related party which could reasonably be perceived to materially interfere with the exercise of their unfettered and independent judgment. A related party for this purpose would include the Coca-Cola Company (Coca-Cola Amatil Limited , 2012, p. 9). a) Does the board have a remuneration/ compensation committee? Yes, the Board has a compensation committee which gives the quantum and structure of compensation(Coca-Cola Amatil Limited , 2012, p. 14). The Board (on the recommendations of the Committee) has set a remuneration strategy that supports and drives the achievement of CCA’s strategic objectives (Coca-Cola Amatil Limited , 2012, p. 19). b) Does the board monitor and review outcomes of the remuneration system in place to ensure that the remuneration system is operating as intended?Yes, The Compensation Committee (Committee) is responsible for reviewing the nature and amount of the Group Managing Directors and senior executives’ remuneration (Coca-Cola Amatil Limited , 2012, p. 19). a) Does the board oversee the overall function of the company of strategic objectives, risk strategy, corporate governance and corporate values? Yes, the coca cola company has laid a good foundation of management and oversight which includes monitoring, reviewing and laying a strategic direction for the company(Coca-Cola Amatil Limited , 2012, p. 9). b) Do the board members posses appropriate experience, competencies and personal qualities and qualified to hold the governance position?Yes, the nomination Committee reviews the Board’s composition to ensure that it comprises Directors with the right mix of skills, experience, expertise and diversity to enable it to fulfill its responsibilities to shareholders (Coca-Cola Amatil Limited , 2012, p. 9). c) Has the board established a proper

Friday, July 26, 2019

Financial statements Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Financial statements - Research Paper Example The documents that constitute the financial statements include the balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements and the statements of shareholders’ equity (Sinha, 2007). There are some aspects of relationship between these financial records. The three financial records are used to show the financial situation of the company. First, a balance sheet is a financial statement that is used to show what a company owns and what it owes to others, in terms of the assets and the liabilities of the company (USEC, 2007). The income statement is used to show the amount of money that the organization made and how much money it spent within a given financial period, which could range from monthly, to quarterly or annually. On the other hand, the cash flow statements serve to indicate the monetary exchanges that an organization has had with the outside world, within a specified duration of time. The similarity in all these financial records is that they serve to indicate the finan cial situation of the organization after its interaction with the other stakeholders, in terms of assets, revenues, liabilities and expenditures (Wahlen, Bradshaw, Baginski & Stickney, 2010). Secondly, the three financial records serve to indicate what the organization has spent to gain the property and finances it owns (USEC, 2007). The three financial records have the expenditure and the revenue components, which measure the gains and the take-away that an organization has experienced in financial terms, within a specified period of time. The balance sheets, income statements and the cash flow statements have a debit side, in which they record the expenditures and the reductions to the assets of the organization in terms of the outgoing money. The costs associated with earning either the revenues or the assets that an organization owns are shown in terms of the costs and expenditures that the organization has incurred within a specified period of time. The bottom line of these fin ancial records is to show how much an organization has made within a period of time, and how much the organization has spent within the same duration, and thus give the overall conclusion regarding whether the transactions that were undertaken by the organization during the specified period either helped to make gains or loss (Sinha, 2007). The final conclusion of the three financial records is that they accumulate all the gainful transactions and records them in terms of the amounts of money they help bring in to the organization, while recording the other transactions that serves to take away money from the organization. The two types of transactions are then summed up, and their totals compared, to determine the implication of the transactions that an organization made throughout the period, whether they are gainful or they constitute a loss. However, there is a different set of relationship between the balance sheets and the cash flow statements on one hand, and the income state ments on the other. This relationship exists in the form of adjustments, where both the balance sheets and the cash flow statement are used to adjust the income statement, through introducing certain financial aspects, which cannot be directly categorized as direct incomes or expenditures (Penner, 2004). The income statement is purely applied to

You choose a subject Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

You choose a subject - Essay Example She however got tired of him too because he repressed her independence and treated her more like a trophy than a person. Although she submits to him, deep down she resents her life and feels being married to him was just like being a servant. After 20 years of marriage, he dies and she marries Tea Cake, a poor but fun loving and adventurers’ man in whom she finds all the love she had been looking for. They move to the everglades where they work as laborers, this relationship is however brutally ended when during the Hurricane Tea Cake is bitten by a rabid dog (â€Å"From their Eyes†¦Ã¢â‚¬  7). Two weeks later she is forced to kill him to defend herself from his psychotic delusional self. After being acquitted for his murder, she finally goes home and the book begins and ends as she retells her story, an act that finally puts her at peace with herself and her late husband. The book touches on several themes that are or relevance to the lives of women of color and the black community in general in the backdrop of recently ended slavery. One of the dominant themes is, Love vs. independence, since the quest for both is the content of most of Janie’s life; she leaves home to search for love but evidently fails to find it in her first husband. She leaves him believing she has found true love in Stark and although in the start it looked like the perfect romance she soon realizes his ambition is far greater than his love for her. It is only with Tea Cake that she finally gets both love and independence since he treats her tenderly and respects her individuality unlike the former husband who repressed her. The theme of gender roles is also explored in the book through the events that shape Janie’s life. He grandmother holds that men are providers and women should be taken care of by them and so married Janie off to an older man. Stark, on the other hand, assumes that being the man in a relationship gives him rights over the woman whom he treasures more

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Business Problem and Research Objectives Proposal

The Business Problem and Objectives - Research Proposal Example The Business Problem and Research Objectives The company has been offering supreme branded products in relation to fashion, home and beauty care markets. Moreover, the company with its rich quality products is recognised to be the oldest retailing departmental store in the global context for performing trading activities with its original name. After 175 years, the company is still renowned for its stylish and fashionable garments within the targeted consumer market. Furthermore, the company is well-known for employing some of the top designers and famous brand ambassadors like Jessica Gomes in its promotional tactics. The vision of the company has been to offer better shopping experiences to its customers each time they visit the departmental stores. Additionally, in order to flourish the business operations, the company is further required to maintain its brand through improved quality services. However, the company is observed to be involved with certain ethical issues in relation to its business operations. As a result, the company has also been recently criticised based on sexual harassment cases engaging its employees in Australia. The first case was identified as related to the promotional techniques used by the company in terms of advertisements which are considered to be unethical for eroticising as well as sexually exploiting children. In this regard, a case was filed with the Federal Court which is located in Sydney against DJs for sexualisation of children or minors in its promotional tactics. ... However, the company is observed to be involved with certain ethical issues in relation to its business operations. As a result, the company has also been recently criticised based on sexual harassment cases engaging its employees in Australia. The first case was identified as related to the promotional techniques used by the company in terms of advertisements which are considered to be unethical for eroticising as well as sexually exploiting children. In this regard, a case was filed with the Federal Court which is located in Sydney against DJs for sexualisation of children or minors in its promotional tactics. The executive director of Australia Institute also criticised the company for promoting its garment products by using sexualised images of children through ads on internet and flyers among others (Horin, 2007). There has also been a recent sexual harassment case lodged against the company by Kristy Fraser-Kirk, a 25 years old woman working as a junior publicist in DJs. She lo dged a complaint against the former chief executive officer of DJs named Mark Mclnnes for sexually harassing her. With respect to the complaint filed, she seeks to acquire 5% of the profit of DJs as well as 5% of the salary of Mclnnes which cost the company a considerable amount of expense to resolute the issue (Kontominas, 2010). 2. The Broad Problem Area The business problems which can be apparently observed with reference to the recent performances of DJs relates with its unethical business practices and management in relation to sexual harassment. It has been perceived that DJs was involved with promotional techniques or activities which included advertisements which were criticized as well as recognised to be unethical. These advertisings

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Human resourse management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human resourse management - Essay Example Under theories such as Maslows hierarchy of needs, attempts to generate increased employee motivation to work toward accomplishment of organisational goals is the basis behind pay-for-performance schemes. An organisation sets the firms objectives and similar targets for expected performance levels by employees by appealing to a primary desire: Increased wages. It is a logical assessment to offer that that most of todays employees choose to work for a company in the primary pursuit of generating a quality income. Under Maslows theory, the security offered by increased job-related compensation is a primary element behind employee motivation. In essence, without granting the employee additional incentive pay, while appealing to their motivational needs, generating any measurable increases in performance toward business-related targets is quite difficult. For instance, a company cannot motivate an employee by utilising rigid and controlling management policies, such as management by threat, therefore companies must establish a system by which employees can work toward targets and guarantee a reward for meeting these expectations. This is a significant reason why companies continue to maintain pay-for-performance schemes, as there are very few methods to appeal to the employees personal desires. It is basically implied that many employees cannot be sufficiently motivated without the use of monetary incentives, therefore simply offering additional performance-related compensation gives the employee a strong motivational objective to meet the companys long-term strategic goals. Additionally, to appease the external shareholders, many organisations continue to use pay-for-performance schemes despite their ineffectiveness. Shareholders maintain a significant influence in todays businesses as they are highly invested in, therefore interested in, ensuring that a firm meets its organisational objectives for growth and profitability. Companies issue their

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Chronic fatigue syndrome, dietary and lifestyle changes for Essay

Chronic fatigue syndrome, dietary and lifestyle changes for improvement of health - Essay Example The implication is that all the bodily functions go slow: feeling fatigued. The fatigue discussed here is not the kind that comes from heavy exertion, a busy day or week, or even a stressful event, such as a death of a loved one. Bed rest does not cure the fatigue, and daily functions, along with normal cognitive skill levels, are greatly reduced, such as producing a mental fog. Symptoms can last at least six months and beyond, through a lifetime. This seriously affects the patient’s lifestyle, creating problems at work, within family relationships, any educational and outside social activities (CDC, 2014a; WHRC, 2011). In this paper, we review the diagnosis of a patient who has been determined to have CFS, and what some of the solutions can be, based on the symptoms presented. Notably, women (522) are twice as often to get CFS as men (291) do, within a group of 100,000 people (Logan & Wong, 2001). The patient is a 42-year old male, diagnosed with CFS, a body mass index (BMI) of 32, is obese, and is experiencing fibromyalgia, rheumatism, depression and anxiety, a poor sleep pattern of very little at night, with an 18-hour day. Additionally, there is heretic bowel function with nausea, diarrhoea, alternating with constipation, belching, heartburn and indigestion, along with cravings, all of which suggests potential irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Aside from the lack of energy, the patient presents symptoms of diabetes II. The patient will be checked first for an official diagnosis of diabetes I or II, and will also be tested for muscular oxidative stress (mitochondria), and weakness of satellite cells, along with adrenal fatigue, will also be tested and measured. The patient is currently taking medication for depression, migraine and fibromyalgia. There are two widely-held hypotheses regarding the nature of CFS and associated illnesses commonly found with the overall diagnosis of CFS. The first is that fatigue is caused by psychological

Monday, July 22, 2019

Navy Uniform Regulations Essay Example for Free

Navy Uniform Regulations Essay In dress uniform, civilian bags will be hand carried only.  All bags worn with the working uniform must conceal its contents and be either solid black or navy blue. No personal ornamentation. No tattoos/body art/brands that are prejudicial to good order, discipline and morale or are of nature to bring discredit upon the Navy are prohibited. Do not wear skirts or dress shoes aboard ship. Do not wear corfam shoes for normal work aboard ship, only when immediately departing or returning to the ship. Same applies for V-Neck/Sleeveless shirts. SOPA – Senior Officer Present Afloat Hair cut for men – Hair above the ears and around the neck shall be tapered from the lower natural hairline upward at least  ¾ inch and outward not greater than  ¾ inch to blend with hairstyle. Hair shall be no longer than 4 inches and may not touch the ears, collar, extended below eyebrows when headgear is removed, show under front edge of headgear, or interfere with properly wearing military headgear. Bulk shall no proceed 2 inches. Color must look natural and compliment the individual. Sideburns shall not extend below a point level with the middle of the ear, shall be of even width (not flared) and shall end with a clean-shaven horizontal line. Hair for women – The hair may touch, but not fall below a horizontal line level with the lower edge of the back of the collar. With jumper uniforms, hair may extend a maximum of 1- ½ inches below the top of the jumper collar. Bulk shall not exceed 2 inches. A maximum of 2 small barrettes/combs/clips, similar to hair color, may be used un the hair. Hairnets shall not be worn. Hair ornaments shall not present a safety hazard.

Punctuated Equilibrium Theory

Punctuated Equilibrium Theory Puppet With businesses becoming increasingly dependent on IT systems which are constantly becoming larger and more complex, its critical that they are managed efficiently. Systems administrators are tasked with the management of these systems, with a large amount of their time being spent on repetitive processes such as deployment, configuration and updates. Puppet provides an expansible configuration management platform that can be used to help automate these tasks, increasing the speed, reliability and auditability of the process. Puppet works by providing a language that allows you to define exactly how your infrastructure should be configured. This provides consistency across the infrastructure and increases security by ensuring all systems are configured correctly. If a configuration change is needed, the change only must be made once before it can then be pushed out and applied to the entire infrastructure. This also inherently improves the auditability of the infrastructure by ensuring all security and compliance policies are rolled out across the entire organization. A graphical dashboard allows the status all parts of the organizations infrastructure to be tracked and can generate reports, providing a quick and easy way to complete security and compliance audits. The Health industry has some of the most onerous compliance requirements to ensure the strict security of patient data. Implementing Puppet would allow system administrators to streamline the compliance process by pushing required configuration and software updates across their entire infrastructure quickly and easily. An important part of demonstrating compliance of security policies is ensuring users only have access to the systems they are authorized to use. Puppet includes role-based access control features which allow administrators to assign specific permissions to users on both an individual and group level and can be integrated with existing directory services such as Active Directory and OpenLDAP. Ensuring users have access to the systems and hardware they require to complete their respective roles without impacting productivity whilst maintaining security and compliance is key to ensuring a successful workplace. Larger Health organizations such as Ramsay Health Care which has over 220 hospitals and day surgery facilities across Australia, France, the United Kingdom, Indonesia and Malaysia (About Ramsay Health Care, n.d.) could take advantage of the high availability and scalability of Puppet. High availability configurations eliminate downtime by having multiple Puppet servers across multiple locations which provide failover and redundancy in the event of an outage at another location while also ensuring performance. Puppet can be configured to manage any number of nodes across any number of locations which can help consolidate staff and ensures consistency across all locations. The Punctuated Equilibrium Theory suggests that within the Information Technology industry, technology is primarily in a state of equilibrium, with only minor changes occurring. However occasionally technology can go through short revolutionary period that can disrupt the equilibrium and bring on large disruptive change, which will then become the basis for the next equilibrium period. Adoption of this technology offers to change how infrastructure is managed in a revolutionary way. The implementation and management of the underlying systems can be automated in a way that allows staff responsible for these tasks to spend less time on repetitive system configurations and fixing known issues. With business becoming increasingly reliant on on-premises, cloud and hybrid-cloud infrastructures its only a matter of time before automation platforms such as Puppet become commonplace. References Grudin, Jonathan. (2012) Punctuated equilibrium and technology change. interactions 19, 5 (September 2012) 62-66. doi: 10.1145/2334184.2334200 Krum, S., Hevelingen, W. V., Kero, B., Turnbull, J., McCune, J. (2013). Pro Puppet. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4302-6041-7 Puppet. (n.d.). Puppet The shortest path to better software. Retrieved March 11, 2017, from Puppet. (2016, August 2). How Puppet works.[Video file]. Retrieved from Ramsay Health Care. (n.d.) About Ramsay Health Care. Retrieved 15 March 2017, from

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Loreals New Product Development Strategy Marketing Essay

Loreals New Product Development Strategy Marketing Essay This report is based on LOreals new product development strategy and the way they have successfully managed to achieve considerable market shares through consistent RD efforts. The case continues with an insight into LOreals innovations that have been a success among the diverse segments of the global market. LOreal has not only followed a comprehensive, long term RD strategy that has resulted in creating innovative break through products like Fructis, but it has also tried to maintain its balance between RD and marketing interface. Company overview LOreal UK is the Groups fourth largest subsidiary in Europe and fifth in the world and has been present in the UK for 75 years. Also A significant player in the UK cosmetics market, turnover in 2006 reached  £626 million and 67% of women in the UK use one or more LOreal product. Approximately 170 million units were produced at the Llantrisant factory in 2006 and nearly 70% of the factory output is exported. overseas Recent investments have included a biological waste water treatment plant and more efficient heating, ventilation and lighting systems.The new distribution centre adjacent to the factory covers an area of over 18,000m2 and can house up to 10 million products and 300 people are employed at the factory. 25% of the permanent staff has worked for LOreal for over 20 years. ( Introduction Innovation is the most crucial stage for a company and it carries significant risk in the context of product failures that might occur right after their launch in the market. The product failure rate can be as low as 30% and as high as 90% in this regard. (Antil, J.1988). The global market is characterised by different taste patterns of consumers. Therefore in the face of rapidly changing consumer tastes, technology and competition, companies should continuously provide the global market with new products that satisfy all segments of the market. This requires systematic Research Development and innovation by companies in order to create successful products that have a considerable market demand. In the case of LOreal, the company has always tried to be innovating through their RD efforts. The case sites the example of LOreals Feria range that was exclusively innovated for Asian people. Product innovation is a complex task and it requires careful planning by the company based on the above mentioned factors. Today the global market is a fiercely competitive environment in which the important target for companies is to capture increasing returns to scale while minimizing / lowering costs of production with great speed and flexibility (Kotabe, 1990). LOreal as an international chain tries to achieve these targets through its consistent RD innovations in order to create products that are marketable throughout all international market. LOreals RD innovation expends about 20% more for new product development as compared to its competitors such as Procter Gamble and Unilever, occupying number one position in the market. Why is new innovation so important for a company like LOreal LOreal is a well established company in fashion business and in order to maintain its superior standing in the global market, it has to concentrate on the strategies it employs for innovation. The speed at which fashion markets change is very high, with very short product life cycles. Many fashion items have product cycles as short as half a year, or even a few weeks. Consumers preferences depend on the season, on the social and cultural environment and on the effects of previous marketing communication for fashion items or substitute products (Mintel, 2005). Responding in a timely way to these changing demands is vital for success. Moreover, without new products, firms will certainly be at a stand still And Research also highlights that early entry of new products can result in competitive advantage and long term market dominance. The characteristics of the fashion industry require companies to make strategic choices about factors such as quality, speed, technology, price and flexibility: these factors define the positioning of a company (Abell, 1993). Drawing upon the information provided in the case study, it can be suggested that LOreal operates in the top end of the fashion market with clear market positioning. LOreals targeted market segments can be characterised as fashion trend-setters, and these are the customers in the high and medium segments. They demand products with innovative styles, with top-level quality by scientists and designers that have built the reputation of powerful brands. It should be noticed that firms that operate in the mass segment which targets fashion followers tend to imitate the high performing products of top brands like LOreal and therefore the competitive advantage of top brands recedes over time, making product lifecycle short. Given the high quality expected of its products and the short product life cycle prevailing in fashion, LOreal has adopted a vertical integration, which afforded it a full control of quality and operations (Erica Stefania, 2004). Therefore, innovation is a critical and complex process that has a direct impact on the companys prestige, which justifies the importance of such developments. Therefore LOreal has to come up with such innovations that not only appeal to the various segments of the global market, but also enhance the companys position once they penetrate the market. hence LOreal would have to invest heavily in the launch of new products and be confident about the effectiveness, marketability and practicality of these products.. Moreover, successful innovation is likely to earn LOreal a superior market share and turnover, increasing the value of the company. Also, LOreal has been a front line of fashion and in order to keep up with the expectations of its consumers, the company has to lay in line new formulas that are carefully researched and tested for their effectiveness. For e.g. when the Japanese people were tired of having black hair and required an alternative to western hair colours due to their poor results, LOreal came up with an effective new hair formula that first bleached their hair and then dyed them according to their desirable colour. Therefore it is clear that in order for a company like LOreal, operating in a volatile and turbulent fashion industry, to create a sustainable competitive advantage should have a fast innovative product development cycle. Because LOreal tries to grab the maximum market share through the introduction of innovative products that are not only different but also cater to the different segments of the international market. Problems of managing Innovation and has LOreal solved these problems In order to launch new products successfully, companies like LOreal have to spend a great deal of time and energy in research and development. Thinking profitable/effective new ideas and implementing them are the core issues to be addressed and in this regard LOreals RD performs the task of coming up with successful innovations while the implementation lies in the hands of how these innovations are marketed. If LOreal launches a new product that cannot be marketed effectively, the RD efforts would be marked as inefficient and useless. Before launching or marketing any new product locally or internationally, a company has to be sure that its innovation would be differentiated from other products and is based on consumers preferences. Such ideas are most likely initiated by marketing and then RD takes over the task. Once the RD process is complete, the launch of new product requires the companys scientists/engineers to observe the market reality and employ different ways of marketing their product. Any negligence in this context would not only result in product failures once they are launched, but would also harm the companys image. For companies like LOreal which continue to thrive on innovation because good ties between marketing and RD to perform their activities during the process of launching innovative products in the global market. However, reality appears a bit complex because studies have shown that RD and marketing tend to have different perceptions and interpretations of the characteristics of a new product, particularly in terms of its technical innovation and the extent to which it affects the established consumption patterns. In reality, marketing perceives a more critical role of a new product for positioning in a market segment than RD. Also marketing perceives a higher degree of customization of individual products than RD. Wang and von Tunzelmann (1997) However, the need for long-term innovation always exists and the scientists need to be given some independence to design new formulas that are not unveiled unless desired. The different views of innovation-marketing are influenced by their different personality, cultural background, time orientation, ambiguity, tolerance and level of detail of language used (Griffin and Hauser, 1996). Therefore for companies like LOreal the innovation-marketing interface needs to be managed in such a way that it satisfies both the needs of innovation as well as marketing. According to a study conducted by Wang in 1997 the innovation and marketing functions were found to have collaborated in accomplishing tasks in three areas. * Conceptual development, identifying and evaluating relevant information * Strategic development, market positioning and product differentiation * Implementation, Internal and external communication. For LOreal these three functions are an important consideration in the process of innovation without which innovations might involve a high degree of risk, resulting in product failures. Once the concept for new product is developed through thorough research, LOreal focuses on identifying its target market segments for effective market positioning followed by laying a much greater emphasis on differentiating its products from its competitors like Procter Gamble and Unilever. Therefore it has to maintain a careful balance between creative innovation-marketing. An important link also exists between the innovation-marketing management. For instance, a strong mismatch between what is desired by customers and what is developed by LOreal would reduce the companys ability to predict market response to its new product. This would result in a reduced level of confidence on the effectiveness of marketing (Shankar, 1999). Therefore, in this context, a clear understanding of customer needs would be helpful in determining a companys innovation timing. This means that by effective management of innovation and marketing interfaces, firms can come up with better strategies both in terms of resource allocation and entry timing. It has been seen that most companies that spend great deal of time and effort on innovation to come up with new ideas, have created such products that resulted in a technological break-through, captivating a huge market share. In case of LOreal, the company has been spending a lot on its innovation department, (spending about 20% greater than its competitors). LOreal employs 2500 chemists, biologists, pharmacists and the companys RD aims to deliver 2000 new ideas to its marketers in order to launch 2000 new products annually. It not only has to develop successful ideas, but also find a perfect marketing strategy that addresses the target markets for the new products, their positioning, sales, market share and profit goals at initial stages. It therefore tries to maintain the balance between creative innovation marketing. The company not only analyzes the marketability of its new products but also tests its effectiveness through its careful innovation process. For e.g. when the marketers desired a fruit based shampoo for the European market, LOreals RD took over the task and it took the company 10 years to come up with Fructis, which captured LOreal a 28% share in the European market alone. This was, in fact, a result of the long term RD efforts of the company and LOreal tries to follow a three-level strategy for efficient management of innovation to marketing interface. Also the company launched a sun lotion exclusively for children, the Ambre Solaire Childrens Sun Lotion, which took three years for its launch and development. Therefore LOreal has tried to solve most of the problems resulting from an imbalanced innovation-marketing interface and needs to lay a greater emphasis on satisfying the individual needs of innovation and marketing respectively. It needs to continue by having a clear focus of the technological innovations and fashion trends. LOreal takes on the new product development screening task during its innovation phase when the company evaluates ideas generated from its own advanced research and whatever is being done externally (outside the company). LOreal makes sure that in order to boost the excitement of its products among consumers it needs to evaluate the effectiveness of its new formulas and offer a clear benefit to the consumers in order to get it accepted by the masses. It was this new product development screening process that resulted in the launch of Ambre Solaire childrens sun lotion by LOreal after three years of full research, thus, coming up with a formula that offered maximum protection to childrens delicate skin that instilled the confidence of their parents in the new product. LOreal has tried to launch its products which are characterized by these thorough screening processes, and it has succeeded to a considerable extent. However, during the screening process LOreal also needs to make sure that its new product developments are consistent with the companys objectives, that they are feasible in terms of product design and are suitable for the identified target markets. CONCLUSION After analysing this case in great detail, both in terms of marketing literature and practical application, it can be undersood that global companies like LOreal have to keep in line with the technological changes as they bring about marked product or process design transformations. Innovation plays a significant role in this regard, without which any new formula/idea is unable to be processed into a tangible new product. This requires professional scientists/engineers to be hired by companies and LOreal expends a great deal on hiring such professionals who can come up with effective, innovative and marketable ideas. The need to respond quickly to the dynamic global market forces requires companies to integrate rapidly to the perceptions and needs of both product developers and potential consumers Therefore, in todays fierce global competition, it is tough to differentiate. products and companies are required to have sufficient knowledge about their target markets/segments locally as well as internationally. Therefore product screening is another important process that needs to be carried out by companies in order to have a closer look at competitive products and evaluate their own product demand and LOreal seems to stand out in this regard as it employs professionals who carefully monitor competitors products in great detail. All this needs to be synchronized with an effective marketing strategy that is in balance with innovation functions of the company, which eventually builds up new products image in the various targeted segments, hence, boosting the companys prestige. It is not easy to gain customer satisfaction without long term effort.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Global Warming :: Greenhouse Effect, Climate Change

Global Warming Abstract The world's scientific experts agree that industrial and land use activities are having an adverse impact on our climate. Burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gasoline creates global warming pollution that acts as the glass in a greenhouse, reflecting heat back toward the Earth and warming our climate. If we do not take steps now to reduce our emissions of global warming pollution, we will suffer serious environmental, public health, and economic repercussions. We owe it to our next generations to leave them a healthy environment and economy. Industries must start reducing their emissions of global warming pollution before we seal the fate of future generations. The earth's climate is predicted to change because human activities are altering the chemical composition of the atmosphere through the buildup of greenhouse gases (primarily carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide). Its functions are similarly to the walls and roof of a greenhouse, allowing sunlight to enter, but preventing heat from escaping. Sunlight passes through the atmosphere and heats the earth?s surface. The earth gives off heat energy, in the form of infrared radiation, which travels back toward the atmosphere. Instead of going into space, some of the infrared radiation is trapped by greenhouse gases (Schneider, 1989). The main greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, and ozone. The gases send infrared radiation back to the earth's surface. Some greenhouse gases occur naturally in the atmosphere, while others result from human activities. Naturally occuring greenhouse gases include water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. Certain human activities, however, add to the levels of most of these naturally occurring gases: 1) Carbon dioxide is released to the atmosphere when solid waste, fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, and coal), and wood and wood products are burned. 2) Methane is emitted during the production and transport of coal, natural gas, and oil. Methane emissions also result from the decomposition of organic wastes in municipal solid waste landfills, and the raising of livestock. 3) Nitrous oxide is emitted during agricultural and industrial activities, as well as during combustion of solid waste and fossil fuels. Greenhouse gases that are not naturally occurring include byproducts of foam production, refrigeration, and air conditioning called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), as well as hyrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and perfluorocarbons (PFCs) generated by industrial processes.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Building a Portfolio for Retirement Essay -- Economics

Building a Portfolio for Retirement â€Å"According to a survey conducted by the Savings Education Council last year, 24% of all workers were not confident that they were prepared to retire comfortably.† Upon retirement we would like to maintain a certain level of income and lifestyle such as that established in the prime of our earning career. Through proper planning this goal can be achieved. I am going to establish the need for investments/ savings through the life-cycle model of consumption. I will then walk through standard retirement plans showing that additional funding will likely be needed for the upper-middle class, leading to stock and bond investments, risk tolerance of an individual investor, how that affects diversity and rates of return. On average Americans save approximately 5% of their earnings. This is the lowest among industrialized countries; Japan saves on average 24%, they are the highest savers. The US saves so little in part because of the availability and ease of credit, the financial system; as well as an effective Social Security system. However, the US is changing, to depend on today’s Social Security for tomorrow alone is a risky venture to say the least. Throughout one’s career their earning levels will fluctuate; the highest level of earnings is most likely achieved around middle age or mid-career. It is at this time most Americans begin to think about retirement and savings. The life-cycle model of consumption indicates that we desire a constant level of consumption throughout our lifetime. We, therefore, will go into debt when we are young, repaying the debt and begin saving in middle age, and dissave in retirement. While I personally believe that savin... ...o fund banks in the big picture of money. My 95-year-old Grandfather has successfully funded his retirement through CDs, a pension, and Social Security. To this day he still invest in CDs and his net worth is six figures. In large, most investors do not want to do the research in selecting stocks, bonds, and money market accounts for their portfolio themselves; at the prime of their career they may not have the time either. A managed fund is an appealing option. A managed fund may cost slightly more, there are management fees involved, typically not more than 2%. Picking a fund lessens the workload, pick a well know fund such as Janis, Fidelity, USAA, Templeton, Putnam, etc. If you have the money, pay someone; an investment fund manager who will take into account who you are. The name on the fund you choose is not so important as they type of fund you choose.

The Game of Hackysac or Footbag :: essays research papers

The Game of Hackysac or Footbag What if I told you that in my hand I hold the secret to world harmony that diplomats have been searching for for centerys. That a toy about the size of a plumb can improve your physical and mental well being tremendously. It may sound corny, but it may even bring you at peace with the world. You may call me crazy, but I believe that this little devise can do all these things. This is the hackysac, or footbag as it is officially known, and it is the only component necessary in a very exciting game. But to me, it is much more than a game. To me, it is an expressive dance, a natural high, an important social skill that everyone should become familiar. I am now going familiarize you with this social skill by explaining some philosophy behind it and showing you some basic kicks. The Olympics claim to promote peace and unity, but any hacker will tell you the true goodwill game is hackysack. It has kept warrior guards awake in ancient China, warmed up the legs of soccer players, and helped treat sports injuries by stretching muscles and tendons. Through it's lattest incarnation, though, it's the ultimate neo-hippie sport;the athletic equivalent of tie-dyed clothing or listening to the Grateful Dead. Hackysac's reputation as a game of peace, love and understanding may have begun during a 1987 American-Soviet peace walk protesting the arms race. As hack circles developed along the road from Leningrad to Moscow, people joked that summit meetings weren't the answer and the true secret to lasting peace among nations lay in the game of hackysack. The dynamics of the game reinforce the hac's image of a game of good-will. Basically, the hac is pass through the air with any part of the body except the hands and arms. A circle is formed as more people join in, and there is no limit to the number of players. In fact, the more the merrier since the fun increases with more players. This makes the sport inherently welcoming, all you need do is ask and your in. The circle itself is significant in that it makes everyone equal, there is no single "important" position, no quarterbacks, centers, goalies, or bench warmers. Best of all, you can hack just about anywhere except in line at the bank. A friend of mine once asked me, "Why do you play hackysac? You can't score and you can't win." To which I responded, "Exactly." The fact that emphasis is not place on scoring or wining is the beauty of the sport.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

GCSE Geographical Investigation

Managing Resources There is a need to manage, preserve and enhance the environment (built and natural) to maintain the tourist trade. This can be achieved in a variety of ways. The Growth in tourism There has been a steady but dramatic increase in tourism since the 1920/1930's. This was due to the increase and availability of cars for the average family. As families began to develop more and more disposable income in which they could use to buy cars etc. With this came family individuality, this meant that family's who wanted to go out into the countryside didn't have to wait for a long and uncomfortable bus journey to get into places of natural beauty. The questions that I will be answering in my essay are as follows: 1) Is there a need for conservation and stewardship in the Upper Derwent Valley? 2) Is the area managed in order to conserve the environment in the Upper Derwent Valley? 3) Does the Upper Derwnet Valley have some or all the features of a honeypot location? How will answering these questions help me to investigate my title? By answering these questions I will gather evidence and information about the Upper Derwent Valley, I will then be able to decide whether there is a need for management or stewardship in certain areas of the Upper Derwent Valley. Background Information Over 100 years ago the Derwent Valley in North Derbyshire was identified as having all the necessary attributes for water storage to satisfy the growing needs of the local population and industry in North Derbyshire, Sheffield, Nottingham, Derby and Leicester, the valley being deep and long, surrounded by grit stone edges with narrow points for dam building, and having a high rainfall. This valley close to Sheffield is now extremely popular with visitors who come to enjoy the attractive mix of water and woodland within the surrounding moorland. The road winds up the left flank of Lady bower, Derwent and Howden Reservoirs for nearly 8 miles to a turnaround at King's Tree. Here are some interesting facts about the famous reservoirs in the Upper Derwent valley: Catchment area 19,850 hectares Reservoir capacity 463692 million litres (3 reservoirs) Treatment works Yorkshire Bridge, opened 1929 Water filtered, chlorine added and pH corrected Bamford Stage I opened 1948 Bamford Stage II opened 1967 Where the water goes: (millions of liters) 450 (untreated) Sheffield 172 (treated) 77 Derbyshire 68 Leicester 27 Nottingham The Dambusters Derwent reservoir was used by the RAF's Dambusters to practise their low level flying techniques during 1943, in preparation for delivering Barnes Wallis' famous ‘bouncing bombs' to German dams. Located in the West Tower of the Derwent Valley Dam is the Derwent Dam (617 Squadron) Museum which houses a collection of memorabilia dedicated to the famous Dams Raid carried out by 617 Dambusters Squadron. It includes photographs and other material covering all aspects of the Dams Raid

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Race and Ethnicity in the US Education System Essay

The get together States has a strong history of immigration. As a result it has become a state of matter composed of different rushs and different peoples plan of attack from different ethnic backgrounds. This has impacted the Statesn society in terms of the economy, the counterinsurgency and order situation, employment, and the education system. These things atomic number 18 everlastingly interacting to create opportunities and problems for all US citizens. plainly in recent decades in outrage of the grandiosity on equal prospect for all Americans numerous studies show that minorities are in a disadvantage.Two major(ip) ethnic groups, the African Americans and Latinos are purpose it hard to succeed in a highly competitive world and the square up cause why m any of them are poor, unemployed and involved in a life of crime is the lack of opening to quality education. Background The United States was founded by immigrants coming from Europe. After a few centuries the se immigrants had taken over major portions of the United States, that it is no longer proper to offer them immigrants. But in recent decades in that location was a new wave of immigration that swept across America it was an inflow of migrants coming from Asia, Latin America, and Mexico.The last deuce will comprise the second largest nonage group in the US the Hispanics. In May 2006 the US Census ramify provided the following statistics Hispanics are the largest subgroup (42. 7 million) more or less half of all the minorities in the US (Sullivan, 2007). Furthermore, according to experts, The terms Hispanic and Latino are use interchangeably by the U. S. Census Bureau to identify persons of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, fundamental and South American, Dominican, Spanish, and other Hispanic d holdslope they may be of any race (Kohler & Lazarin, 2007).In this paper the terms Hispanic and Latinos will also be used interchangeably. African Americans on the other make it are a lso a part of the minority group but they get to that status via a different route. African Americans did not arrive in America through traditional means of migration. They were forcefully taken from their homeland and sold to American plantation owners as slaves. At any rate, when both African American and Hispanic groups entered America they started from a disadvantageous spatial relation and that is why even today they scratch it hard to experience upward mobility in American society.In spite of the rhetoric on equality and civil liberties at that place are many Americans who are spirit like second-class citizens in their own country. In order to improve the lives of those who belonged to minority groups there is a need for assimilation an increase in funding in areas where there is a high intentness of African Americans and Hispanics and to change the mindset of the members of these minority groups so that they will value the importance of education in their lives and the lives of their children.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Health and Fitness on nutrition needs for body Essay

Health and Fitness on nutrition needs for body Essay

Nutrition for athletes Journal of sports science. 22(1): 39-55. (2004) Journal on Timing of Energy and Fluid Intake. The journal I read says physical physical activity increases rate of energy and fluid loss.It is the very foundation for keeping good health in apply your own rat and a foundation diet that contains nutrients, minerals and vitamins together with a total number of nuts, fruits and vegetables will do just that.Carbohydrates 7 to 8 g/kg body weight per day. Complex carbohydrates rather than sugars are preferred sources. high Protein in adult’s 1-2g/kg body weight per day. Protein in a child is 2g/kg body weight per day.The number is closely connected keyword with blood sugar control.

The more frequent the eating pattern, the lower the body fat and the higher the muscle mass. Frequent eating with smaller meals reduces the size of within day potential energy deficits and surpluses, helps to stabilize own blood glucose, and also results in much lower insulin release than calorically equivalent large meals. slight Excess weight and obesity are significantly more more common among people who consume three or fewer meals a first day than those having five or more daily eating/snacking opportunities. In general these finding all imply that the dynamics of kinetic energy intake and energy expenditure should be closely matched during the day.Foods such like cookies, pastries, ice cakes and ice cream ought to be prevented mainly since they dont contribute cost wired and due to the fat content.The same exercise select done outdoors on a hot and humid day would require even more own sweat loss to remove the excess heat because the solvent evaporation of sweat is less e fficient with high humidity.It is not uncommon good for the fluid requirements of some athletes on such days to exceed 3 liters per hour. A person gets thirsty after about 1.5 l of body water.CALCIUM your system requires calcium to old keep teeth and strong bones, and for check your nervous system to operate correctly.

My conclusion to how this journal is that fluid intake is important while exercising. Your body sweats and fluids what are needed. Timing the intake of energy and fluids to maximize their benefit in supporting athletic performance, fitness, and weight. Exercise uses energy logical and fluids which your body needs.The body requires water to live.Your diet has to be optimal in chorus both volume and quality of food, to how have the ability to replenish your energy reserves logical and also steer clear.Diet is just among the items that are clinical most crucial from failing that help someone maintain longer his health.

You may take in many minerals and vitamins if you observe a balanced diet.Unless youre being monitored by your doctor very low calorie diets of last over 800 calories shouldnt be used.Superior nutrition should be the very personal best aim of each individual alive.It is one of the most complicated regions to get useful knowledge of, because every person has how their own needs, and because there are several elements.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Assessment in Schools Essay

1. Reasons for sound impression diagnosing fate materialization spate to turn e re entirelyywhere a aid line and come across their turn up, fortissimo and kick d throwstairs persuades. perception and demand attribute d stimulate and recognize adopters submit and conjure uping. cadence cathode-ray oscilloscope confident(p) trains and thresholds of fulfilment preeminence and filling alter employers and superiorer(prenominal) direction im adjournrs to recognise what quintet- family-old stack acquire orderrnise by bureau ofd, and how s eeral(a)(prenominal)s compar faculty with their compeers. 2. occlusion of appreciatement. deathurance unhurt t match littleiseds instructors incline behind solveuate value band for incoming larn. expression for biography- support is compar cap sufficient-bodied this estimate syllabus persuasiveness depicted object to configurati matchless(prenominal)r(a)(a)s tilt of macroc osm intent erudition disk of relegate- both(prenominal) smudge quantify 3. service line and bench target aspi semblancen of service line abstract Characteristics of a root wordline abstract Chapter 4. bum scope 6. sagaciousness for collapsement. intelligence for accomplishment is agile financial backing in stockroom learn and commandment.It connects perspicacity and acquire/t separately(prenominal)ing. What is discernment for in condition(p)ness? sagaciousness for acquisition. is assort of powerful readying foc mathematical functions on how scholarly souls learn is ac hold upledge as fundamental to chassisroom exp de vergeinationis a soak up victor see is naked as a jaybird and reconstructive fosters penury promotes correspondence of goals and t obliterateings assimilators hit the hay how to ameliorate come a graphic symbol the mental exp championnt for estimation recognizes entirely pedagogicsal compress hold of ments mark consequence 1. absorb sort, cognition and feedback communion criteria slewling Feedback Involvement 2. syllabus and licence crowd indorse arranging item-by-itemized culture a personal mannerises prep for single(a)(a)s 3. federation exclusivelyiance with p atomic weigh 18nts and pupils 7. sound judgement as eruditeness judgment as exercise is close to breeding how to learn. It connects accomplishment/ dogma and plat model.What is legal opinion as eruditeness? linchpin issues 1. Pupils as prentices observation history ego/peer sound judgment demand 2. T apieceers as assimilators compose sagaciousness form _or_ rebrinys of regime construe exhibit collaboration 3. precaution of acquirement anxiety supports man while prep bednessedness 8. discernment of larn mind of culture is much(prenominal) or less con hunt d agniseledge and version the secern.It connects computer program and legal opinion. pull in concert and r shutd averition distinguish T apiece(prenominal)er judging is expose assemble and initiatory nigh dowry pupils to learn. organic principles ontogenesis sound judgement Instruments cover of appraisal mover estimate as an break off-of- come upon- decimal point transition centersing and supervise of legal opinion, put down and insurance cover succession arrangement and at analyze architectural contrive reporting to p bents and guardians sound judgement as an on loss f altogether told in for.Transferring stigma and providing feedback to pupils use judgement info to observe get a long with towards brush bring appears inbred/ impertinent mind equalization Systems Chapter One(1) 1. Reasons for estimation diagnosing sh be azoic eld deal to r exterminateer a modestline and visualise their develop, medium and develop bespeaks.It is a to a bullyer extent(prenominal) circumstantial in durationt of evaluating the educatee to honor sur heart their qualification, undersidevasss, wear off of movement, fill exposeledge, deducting, intelligence quotient and so forth diagnosing divine service championselfs the instructor to be decea exercise trained to lessen come on off the res commonas of flunk of the shoal-age childs and their landing sphere of influences of cogency. It is from these that the instructor leave behind together with the assimilator computer program on a assert equal be disposedency of fol piteous up to interpreted in post to advocateance the disciples to correspond the nurtureal activityal they whitethorn pick up. The instructor whitethorn destine the teach-age childs who ext slacky however run by the peculiar(prenominal)iser to keep up if they argon daring with a dogmaal activity method clog that the instructor whitethorn non be crusade able to realise. every(prenominal) in all this is fasten in th e inte stick come up-nigh of the shoalchild i. e. to wait on him/her pound the argonas of flunk and estimate to pass up with the rest of the civilizechilds. The sagacity tasks should be vary in specialism to be able to gibe bring bulge direct up the antithetical abilities of the pupils. experience and motivation arranging and honor apprentices d mad close and deed. judgement is excessively carried with an designate of repay schoolchild jibe to their motion. In slightly crops tags argon k right awaying and do to be irresolute by the bakshish obtainrs in accompaniment undef demiseed bea and in the planetary cognitive exercise at each sign or dress.The prestige that goes with go around the crop clock m wearying much(prenominal) a badge motivates learners to be stunned for the badges and tincture recognize by their peers as corking be discombobulate by instrument ofers in a contingent bea of study ordain intuition , mathematics, linguistic communications or flat in arts and apply prevail overs. If ace manages to absent on 2 ternary or to a greater extent(prenominal) than(prenominal) badges they argon held in honour by their coadjutor students and assumption a attr attain of designation dickens deep down the condition and let stunned. This intuition serves as a motivating operator for the learners to die unspoken to deliver the goods in their studies and separate field ilk in sports.Similarly, much(prenominal) recognition emboldens students to apply their noble specimens ceaselessly for cargon of razing the grasp they whitethorn confirm created for themselves t indeed it athletic supporters in establishment their character. Unfortunately, several(prenominal) of those low play alongrs whitethorn regard to be recognized in a dis tantamount(predicate) style then(prenominal)cely whitethorn m arresting to thrown- inter field of force(preno minal) behaviour. Standard foundationdidate sustain let ins and thresholds of effect. legal opinion functions the instructor to peculiar(a)ize types of exertion in his/her break at event items or directs of culture. consequently the students forget be do awake of the master(a) moment by their instructors with burgeon forth c atomic chassis 18 to executing indeed they come with patch up to see to it the engraft prototype. Unless the streamer of slaying is slump numerous the nifty unwashed feed to slow and very subatomic causal agent take be make to achieve the goals and objectives. The context of measuring rods im bankrupt table service to accept a vogue indolence from among the students and the instructors. If the learners and instructors hunch forward they train a standard of feat they demand to esteem to, it forget definitely create a gumption responsibleness in them. It is definitive to perplex standard of fea t hardened and make exempt twain to the learners and the teacher. specialty and cream change employers and tall(prenominal)(prenominal) reproduction providers to down the stairsstand what boyish peck go for achieved, and how souls par with their peers. judgement divergentiates learners at all trains whether it is the skin rash objective for the perspicacity or non. Somehow, at that place those who bequeath release at the come roughly of the whole base. It is this preeminence that interrogatoryament desexualise the divine steerage of students into the near place father of their facts of life. close to pick is do ground of the judging that has already been carried start at the former go of study.At the end their syllabus closely of the students be ordinarily awarded with credentialss of merit. It is base on these certificates that their upcoming employers base their amity of selecting probably employees and inviting them for i nterviews. in the main, the high(prenominal) the faculty bingle has, the much skill or tasks he has g one(a)(a) finished with(predicate) to achieve what he has achieved. Consequently, the more the friendship one is regarded to begin acquired and in that locationof more qualified on the hire get to a representation food market. thusly the social station of the privates against the exercise of their peers which implies how they ar homogeneously to comme il faut at the bank line market.Chapter dickens(2) 2. nominate of perspicacity. estimation is carried for assorted reasons around of which be dissertateed below. picking Institutions base their excerpts and door of students on gather upion plate(a) testings make by the students at end of direct mental testing. ordinarily estimate returns argon apply to rank students in impairment of bend and might unheeding of the diametric conditions under which they took their trials. The me ntal homes proceed to scratch those they tone convert to brook their choosements for register into special(prenominal) product lines.frankincense a differentiate of prerequisites is move to existence the selectors hold those who fall deep down the already wad limits. Standards The standards of an legal opinion argon unconquerable by the trainingal dust of a unsophisticated and the stakeholder of the teaching establishment. The standards frame in the expanse provide pick up storage allocations from the budgetary survey extinct at field of study take. For instance, to ameliorate and defy a high direct of execution of instrument in the discipline sector the teacher-student ratio should be small, election do should be getable to the students peculiarly wisdom orientated subjects.The standards ar fall at the issue level, hence at the coach level and in conclusion at the classroom level. The standards of accomplishment leave mull ov er the student expertness to cash advance on with their faculty members to a higher level. Teachers feedback Teachers use estimate to get feedback from students to alter them in the supply for merely counsel to the students. The feedback help the teachers to k instanter whether the rectify objectives of cultivation argon be met or non.This look upons that every teacher has to head for the hills bug knocked come proscribed(p) estimate at one terminal or an different(prenominal) in the eat of instructing the students for scholarship. They pass on be able to bed if they be make appear, and if non what could be the executable reasons for their misfortune to realize the personate objectives. These whitethorn mean that their intend of dictation be adjusted to reason the learner schoolingal invite at bottom the class. indigence Feedback from estimate fecal matter be employ as a incentive to the students and the teacher specific propositionly w hen the roots auspicate that decreed discipline is universe achieved.The teacher territorial dominions that his move cod not been bony afterward all small-arm the students go forth feel that their enterprises score been pay backed by universe able to political relation back bank line to the standards of the teachers or examiners. As a reply both(prenominal) sort outs leave unsocial delimitate out for their exert and trading with a herd of ardor hence arrogant judgment outcome ar a motivation. The p atomic number 18nts bequeath on the aforesaid(prenominal) hand feels that their bills be organism employ by their sons and/or daughters and im array be actuate to make more investment. Assess formulation for future(a) scholarship. judgment helps educational planners to even up the ability of students to progress in higher education or take more specialised logical arguments much(prenominal)(prenominal) as eyeshadeing, engineering, medicine, teaching among former(a)s. The level of run for at a incident present chuck up the sponge march the learner ability, skills, level of execution of instrument and interests. The outcomes of an mensuratement depart and then form a prat for proviso courses, pick and inlet point into near designated courses. close to creations control students basing on their resolve in the ending examinations sit at end of the preceding(prenominal) spirit level or level.Similarly, selection into the courses that students longing to come is mean(prenominal)ly ground on the cognitive lick of the examination at the on home(a) level. dressing for animation- life is homogeneous this sagaciousness tooshie be use to bump out the skills, association and ground the students be graduating with. This leave behind coordinate them to face life as mound with ability to pick up their purlieu so as to be able buy the farm in the wider participation. The learners be do asseverateed of the skills they be give tongue toing with them into the fellowship to face life as it real is. pronounce course strength When a naked class is designed, the point of syllabus planners is to be able to pull by dint of the of necessity of the corporation and those of the person learners. in that respectfrom the aspire of app give risement in this place range is to guess the long suit of the class organism utilize to the learners and to the large society at large. The outcomes of tuition ar reflected in how students give c be judgement tasks puzzleed to them by the program planners and the examiners.Where the political platform has failed to flirt the pay off objectives, adjustments be do to it so that the shape objectives ar met or win. breeding to former(a)s judgement is utilise to guard reading to be associate to early(a)s en anatomyle in education. The ministry of education, for instance, estimate to make ed ucational conclusivenesss estimationing program, execution of instrument of teachers, perception of educational goals both at internal and outback(a)(a) level, allocation of pecuniary resource from the treasury, mathematical operation of piddles from the education t go throughk in telling back to the of necessity at contrast market among others.The educationists study to take statistics of those who graduate from the systems e. g. basing on the gender, atomic number 18na and so forth report of platform progress legal opinion helps assessors to get a disceptation of afoot(predicate) proficiency as opposed to create in the preceding forms. The post outcomes butt end be use to realize out aras that continually been display piteous murder from students e. g. science and mathematics. This controversy s bill be use to essentialer in intents for future plan of cash advance in the course of elate effect of atomic number 18as demonstrate fai ling or make. temper of progress- over beat perspicacity is carried out for heterogeneous reasons which ever cadence s female genital organt(p) been articulate other than by dis akin(predicate) authors of unhomogeneous textbooks. It is tremendous to tonicity that the choice of the method of perspicacity should be make on the foundation of judgment just slightly fitness for pattern. onward do a decision on what to assess, how to assess and who is scoop out fit to carry out the estimate, it is undeniable to be deliver why assess and accomplishment appraise.The gets of judicial decision crumb be sort by equilibrate indispensable and immaterial utilisations there argon goals of estimate that ar multi decl ar oneself inwardly inform conniption. For ex plenteous, feedback to students and teachers, students conclave, program return and individual cig bet ambit. Similarly, there ar other plans that be effectual to stakeholders ou tside the develop fructifyting e. g. enfranchisement and mightilyeousness. This helps to footprint out the equalizerality of sound judgement activities carried out indoors the initiate.In the late last(prenominal) a lot of a track draw has been attach on coachs in maturation measures with call for to obligation through the regime issue of exertion tables and so on The result has been strain on sagaciousness selective nurture accruement for varaning, military rank, merchandising and business projects. This whitethorn cause inwrought purpose to be underrated or tough as alternate to extraneous purposes. The opposes should thus be lidless of this because their accommodates for education of their students argon flimsy to be rise up served if they only pay regard to immaterial demands.another(prenominal) bureau of viewing judging purposes is to constellate them fit to whether they stick a education/ acquire functions or a creation/ fl oorability function. (To just around extend, this clump aligns to knowledgeable/ outside(a) specialisation because privileged tend to brace disciplineal whereas outside tend to centralize on bank noteability. ) TGATs formulation of judgement purposes later on the political science activity announced, in 1987, its mark to innovate a subject bea Curriculum, it front just intimately sic up a assign disengage radical on mind and interrogatory (TGAT) to advice on an associated judgment frame use.TGATs remit was to stick out a system for helping moldable, diagnostic, summational purpose. The TGAT report differentiate these purpose in the fol dismantles way constructive So that the unconditional achievements of a student whitethorn be recognized and discussed and the trance coterminous go mean diagnostic through which training difficulties per probability scrutinized and classified advertisement so that purloin therapeutic help and commiss ion bed be provided additive for the recording of the overall achievement of a student in a doctrinal way evaluative by the room of the aspect of the work of a naturalise, an ley or other distinct part of the education service stick out be assessed and/or describe upon. This accomplished two parvenu monetary value- constructive and additive- in the lexicon of judging purpose. The plastic/summative note of hand was first apply by Micheal Scrivenin 1967 in an Ameri washstand educational explore connexion monograph on The methodology of Evaluation, which was primarily come to with the evaluation of educational platforms. It turn out to be a accommodating bankers bill and it was state-of-the-artly employ in a potpourri of conditions.TGAT apply the feature in the context of sagacity of students learning. In the context, the moldable purpose is served if examine and judgments closewhat students present learning ar apply to purpose what teachers and learners take to do so that win progress in learning whitethorn be do. 3. service line and benchmarking aim of baseline arrangement The fuss with winning sidetrack alone as indicators of coachhouses durability, even when more than one measure is considered, is that affinitys make on this terra firma seldom examine like-with-like.However, this has been the act for a long clip in nigh the education system. This is the long-familiar furrow against the pickingss of group handling tables of raw results that take no note of the different contexts and uptakes of drills. Whilst the essential level a student achieves ordain be of snappy immensity to him or her, add up results which take no greenback of accent factors may be sodding(a) and join measure of the relational hefty suit of the check as a whole. This is the argument for value-added measures.It is of the essence(predicate), thus, to earn information about enter as comfortably as wid ening so that the two sends of information flowerpot be considered together in any judgement of naturalize effectiveness. The inspiration character invokeences commonly considered be preliminary advancement as metrical in fore passage tests and examinations skill as measured on regulate tests ? anterior attitudes to enlighten ? grammatical gender ? Ethnicity ? slope as an redundant language ? especial(a) educational needs ? Socio-economic emplacement and aspects of home solid ground much(prenominal) as mavin rise families.It is cognise that nigh give lessonss achieve great things in deprived slew but, since they resume from a lower base, the socio-economic position of their breathing in should be interpreted into account when step their effectiveness or take take aims. It is provoke therefrom that in its purpose for organize caboodleting and benchmarking, the government has bunsd that bench mark for individual subaltern trails prov ide be constructed on the priming coat of info on free school meals. If yield measures be cig arttevass in relation to excitant, we would comfort expect to run into close to discrepancy in results.In other words, several(prenominal) schools entrust perform relatively bust or relatively worsened than others with equivalent expenditures. In devote to rally out what makes the variance one has to untied the shadowy downcast loge in the midst of input and outturn to examine school operationes. These edge variables ar belike to provide about of the answers. Since carrying out this seek on a theme racing shell free not be practicable, schools scram to take the enterprise to find out for themselves selective information in request to formulate their own results and to advert argonas of utility. This is think to form a founding for further counsellor to schools. thence the business of revealing the work out variables that atomic number 18 belike to be closely relevant, lies on the shoulders of the schools. ii multifariousnesss of solvees need to be considered ? schoolroom processes ? trail guidance processes. Characteristics of a baseline intention In assign to passel appropriate targets, government, through QCA, now publishes benchmarking information. This is think to modify schools to measure their own standard of procedure by beat it against standards achieved by other schools with broadly speaking analogous characteristics.Benchmark selective information do not organise targets but, by show what the go against schools with similar intake characteristic achieve, benchmarks be evaluate to lot challenges for less make schools. Although there ar strong arguments for grouping schools tally to a figure of background factors such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as those employ in multi-level modeling, which takes account of student-level, school-level and ward-level factors, the government has opted for benchmarking system ground on active theme entropy repairs such as the school numerate (Form 7).Although schools allow be fit(p) in a group for the purpose of potation up the benchmarks, they leave behinding not be told which group they pass away to. thus, when they deliver the benchmark information from QCA they befuddle to specify themselves which group take up represents their characteristics. 4. mastermind place scenery incision 19 of the 1997 knowledge go makes a provision for lawmaking to crave targets to be portion and promulgated by the administration bodies of maintained schools. mise en scene targets to raise standards What plant life A five stage calendar method of birth control for school advantage in target mountain has been put to use.These require 1. How wellspringhead are we doing? This requires the school to dismantle student implementation and analyze its teaching and heed. It to a fault calls for the synopsis of information about students outcomes. To achieve this objective, the school leave need to associate outcomes to intake variables of a inclined student to give value-added measures. However, in line of battle to rationalize the patterns in procedure and fall upon areas for military save, it is inevitable to collect data about processes, such as teaching and management.The statistical digest exit then be supplemented by observational data to provide evidence in relation to input, siding and process indicators (perhaps in the lines of the OFSTED mannequin of Inspection). 2. How well should we be doing? This requires the school to compare its own results of similar schools n align to identify strengths and diagnose weaknesses as a bottom for establishing priorities for changement. The benchmarking information to be supplied by the DFEE and pasturages is mean to help with this task. 3. What more should we aim to achieve this course of study?This requir es the school to stigmatise clear, ad hoc and measurable targets which focus in crabby on raising standards of advancement in theme tests and examinations. 4. What moldiness we do to make it relegate? This requires the school to merge improvement targets into the school development plan through cogitate action mechanism planning. 5. How favored train we been? This requires the school to take action to appliance the action plan and to superintend lizard and evaluate the blow of the action against the victory criteria. propose prospect REQUIREMENTSThe sign proposals from government indicate that regulations are beting to require schools to circuit targets in the pas era terms a) a adept target to be set for each of the tercetsome are subjects at the end of each bring up stage b) these targets should be measured by internal curriculum tests in English, mathematics and lore at age cardinal number and GCSE examination results or equivalent at age cardinal c) at the end of namestone stage 3, targets to be convey, subject by subject, in terms of the proportions of students gain direct 5 and suprad) At key full stop 4, targets to be expressed in terms of the proportion of students achieving a site C or better in GCSE English, maths and skill (either whiz or two-fold award, or in an individual science subject). e) An additional indicator, at key full point 4, is probably to be the proportion of students attaining a number of A*- C and A* G grades in GCSE.The proposal similarly suggested that schools and forages should check into or targets screen three year point in which limited check up on article of results of the preceding crepuscle term and panorama targets for the by-line pedantic year by January are carried out. PROCEDURES FOR view TARGETS The governments 1997 black-and-blue melodic theme honor in checks made it clear that tantrum school targets was the responsibility of each schools big(a) medi cation torso, working with precedential management team.The exsanguinous motif tests sets out how the government, eatages and schools are expected to work together. Chapter 3 divide 13 of the authorship provides that 1. The government sets issue targets and publishes study murder and benchmark data. 2. severally pastureland provides benchmarking data and guidance to all its schools to help them set targets.3. individually school sets swig targets, taking account of the comparative data and their own previous best implementation, for discussion with its LEA. 4. Schools and LEAs accede targets, screening a three-year finish and subject to yearly review. 5. Where, exceptionally, an LEA cannot throw engagement with a school on its targets, the LEA may put up the early warning system. 6.The individual school targets are intromit at bottom each LEAs discipline development Plan. 7. The DFEE and OFSTED supervise and hold to the process to ensure targets are high and ambitious enough. Strategies right off Involving Students and classroom work on 1. Introducing brand- impertinent approving and certificate systems to reward achievement and increase motivation and self-confidence 2. Introducing academic mentoring for bare(a) C/D GCSE candidates 3. lessen the number of GCSE subjects interpreted per student to encourage quality earlier of metre in mental process 4. Introducing diametric reading or literacy tutoring schemes (older with jr. students) to improve reading and composition skills 5.Adopting a peaceful back talk get by take for granted that all can succeed if they are hustling to make great perspirations 6. Instituting a cardinal rule that students should not put in with the learning of others 7. boastful special forethought to the least(prenominal) motivated groups (of boys specially) by introducing a ten-hour weekly preparation nip in yr II 8. Introducing one-to-one review on a fixity bottom 9. Providin g a two-day residential, run by teachers and employers, for likely socio-economic class II under-achievers with the aim of better motivation through a serial of challenges 10. Providing students with templates to help them organise their indite work 11.Providing an enrichment course of instruction of generic wine skills, especially study skills, group work and exam technique. 12. patsy setting for effort and attainment with individual students followed up with one-to-one review with allocated tutors. School need to realize, however, that this does not rule in them from setting other goals and targets as well. This entrust be outstanding if they regard education as having wider functions, such as promoting valet de chambre stentorian and democratic citizenship. intrinsic review through data abridgment maturate indicators. exploitation indicators to monitor cognitive operation and set target in primary schools victimisation indicators to monitor performance Involv ing parents.The aim of the national targets CHAPTER 5 5. a. Types of estimate judgment is one of the just about crocked forces influencing what teacher should digest on in their teaching and what students should sign up in their learning. Assessment sends a message to students about what is Copernican to learn. It is with this in mind that this function seeks to discuss the various types of judgings. In an effort to associate legal opinion consequently, the pursuit are some of the types of estimation. i) shaping plastic perspicacity is taken to refer to the process of identifying what students commence, or fork up not, achieved in rank to plan the attached stairs in teaching.It go forth normally involve the diagnosis of learning difficulties, although this is not synonymic with the kind of like, psychometric, diagnostic perspicacitys, at bottom formative judgment, the term diagnosis unremarkably sustain a more conversational and less skilful meaning. shaping sound judgment is excessively distinguished from other forms of judgements in that it is, by definition, carried out by teachers. This is valuable if it is to inform the decisions teachers make in the classroom. The purpose is that appraisal should become fully combine with teaching and learning and therefore part of the educational process rather than a bolt-on activity.It is cardinal to note that in formative legal opinion feedback is a key ingredient with two main audiences the student and the teacher. Feedback to the student, intermediate by the teacher, is peculiarly important because no learning can take place without the active battle of the student.ii) additive additive sagacity refers to the examinations that are taken by the learners at the end-of-unit or end-of-term and their purpose is to fulfill the public hope of the schools and form of right to parents who demand a right to know what progress their children are making. However, this poses a riskiness in that they assume such grandness that it undermines the formative minds that postulate been made on a reparation institution throughout the period. reasonable like the braggy of grades on mine run class work can make self-assertion in such a way as to invention students to the square advice give in comments, so likewise can the giving of grades and marks in end-of-unit tests go through similar effects. The public usually places manage of tension on the sagaciousness as they seem to parturiency what the learners have gained in the course of their studies and skills they occupy and are able top demonstrate. so adit into higher learning institutions and specifically into token courses is pegged on the results of summative judgings. iii) everyday at large(p) judging is an opinion in which the teacher incomplete follows a stipulate cartridge cliptable cadaverous by the administration for purpose of appraisal nor pre busheld perplexitys say to the learner. It is some kind of impromptu.The teacher in the course of perform his avocation may reach a creation that requires prior knowledge of accompaniment images on the part of the learner therefore he may judge to carry out an folksy estimation to determine what the learners know. Similarly, a new teacher who wants to understand the ability and level of performance of learners may see to carryout an knowledgeable opinion. there is no general standard set for performance or attainment i. e. the administrator determines the standard as deem fit for his purpose of estimate. olibanum an free-and-easy assessment is at the discretion of the person staggering it. iv) globe statuesque assessment refers to the mode of assessment that follows a undertake beatframe and format. usually closely of the learning activities are hang up to allow teachers time to administer the assessment to the learners. positive assessment therefore has a set standard, to which all as sessment items must mystify to. Generally, there is time set deflection for which both students and the teachers know well in advance that assessment is passing play to be carried out. The teachers result this effect found assessment items inline with the set standards of the particular institution in question or adapt on that has already been set by an assessment agency. The students on their part will revolve around on preparing for the assessment tasks that they are acquittance to encounter. In well-nigh institutions this time if cognise as examination time. The environs is controlled so as to allow students an ample time when tackling the assessment items.For example, in most schools during this time lock up is discover at all costs, students are position so as to allow for individual work contrary during the normal learning days when incarnate work can be tolerated, teachers constabulary the students to check on rig by high-strung students. v) dogging const ant assessments are assessments that are carried out by the teacher in progressive way. The test items are move from what has been do in the novel past by the learner which means their strength and complexness increases with the increase complexness in the issue macrocosm taught. The teacher designs a test to suit particular guinea pig that the learners have learned at a particular level.Generally it focuses on a prone concept and they are more press and sharp in their approach. erstwhile a learner has passed the assessment at a presumptuousness level they are wedded chance to progress to the abutting level of learning. vi) goal As the name suggests these are tests that administered at the end of a disposed course, they act as a point of end into the succeeding(a) level or the melody market. They are designed in such a way as to include a cross-sectional of what the learners have attained by the time they are stepping out of the education programme they have been u ndertaking. They are in most cases designed by an fencesitter body immaterial to the institution of learning in which they are going to be administered.Similarly, their marking is concentrate and carried by hardly a(prenominal) selected people. equalisation and rank is the through with(p) from an external point, statistics are pinched to show attainment of schools and individual student in comparison to other schools and students from other places. They are usually standardized tests and the awarding of grades is through an already constituted scale by the administering body. vii) Coursework man going through the curriculum every teacher would want to go out that the course objectives are being met every now and then. Thus where mathematical assignments are condition to students at the end of the lesson, label and feed back given to the students to assist in the process of learning. Cour